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두더지가 파놓은 흙무더기 영어로


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  • molehill
  • 흙무더기    흙무더기 a heap[pile] of earth.
  • 무더기    무더기 a pile; a heap; a deposit; a lot; a mound. 당근[사과] 한 ~ a pile of carrots[apples]. 돌 ~ a pile[heap] of stones. 고철 ~ a heap of iron scrap. 그들은 한 ~ 2,000원에 사과를 팔고 있었다 They were selling apples at 2,0
  • 무더기무더기    무더기무더기 in piles[heaps]; lot by lot; pile after pile. ~ 쌓인 돌 heaps[piles]of stones.
  • 돌무더기    돌무더기 a pile[mound / heap] of stones.
  • 알무더기    Clutch (eggs)
  • 줄무더기    줄무더기1 [잡동사니] a (heterogeneous) mixture; a medley; a motley; a patchwork.2 [연줄] a kite string pieced together.▷ 줄무더기 형제 brothers of different mothers.
  • 한 무더기    lot
  • 상품의 한 무더기    lot
  • 두더지    두더지 『動』 a mole. ~ 혼인 같다 cherish an empty hope / build a castle in the air. ~가 화단 밑을 팠다 A mole has bored its way under the flower bed.▷ 두더지 가죽 a moleskin.▷ 두더지굴 a mole('s) tunnel.▷ 두더지 전술 tunneling
  • 경매품의 한 무더기    lot
  • 두더지과 두더지과    Talpidae
  • 가시두더지    echidna; bunning; echidna
  • 간쑤두더지    Gansu mole
  • 고베두더지    Kobe mole
  • 긴코두더지    Long-nosed mole
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